News from the Chair
ACEP Rural Section is preparing for the annual meeting at ACEP Scientific Assembly in San Diego, CA. This year will be bigger than ever with ACEP celebrating it’s 50-year anniversary. When adding your daily educations courses to your schedule at Assembly, don’t forget to use the “Tags:” filter and select Rural to help you select essential courses track that is recommended by the Rural EM Section. This is a terrific opportunity to network with your Rural EM friends. The Rural EM Section meeting will be held on Monday, October 1 from 11:00AM-1:00PM in the San Diego Convention Center. This year Elections will be held for the 2-year terms of Chair Elect and Secretary. We will be sending out request for nominations of candidates through the list serve or EngagED prior to the meeting. We are also looking for someone with the necessary skills to serve as a social media chair to help with maintaining our social media presence through Rural EM Section Facebook pages, and twitter accounts. Other highlights from the meeting will include updates on CALS program and our social media presence, and a summer slam smack down discussion on clinical translation The Ivory Towers vs. The Rural Redneck ER.
Members of the Rural Section have been involved in partnership with the public-private partnership: National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention to promote suicide prevention. The Action Alliance is completing its work on “Recommended Standard Care for People with Suicide Risk: Making Health Care Suicide Safe.” This guide to be distributed and available later this year will promote suicide prevention as a core component of health care services. It will promote and implement effective clinical and professional practices for assessing and treating those identified as being for suicidal behaviors. To learn more about this important work visit them at the website.
Rural EM Section would like to like identifying rural emergency department sites by region that could partner with EM residency programs to develop Rural EM elective opportunities. Do you have a site that would be a good teaching site? Are you faculty at an EM Residency Training Site? We will be working with residency programs to develop core curriculum as well as minimum requirements needed for credentialing. Developing this type of network and residency opportunities will help promote interest in careers in rural emergency medicine and help address our rural workforce shortages. Where you train is where you work: What is Driving Rural Doctor Shortage
Surf is up! We look forward to seeing you at the world’s largest EM conference in San Diego this year.
Ken Gramyk, M.D., FACEP
Immediate Past Chair