Introduction to ED Coding Schedule

Introduction to Emergency Department Coding - Included with your conference registration!

January 24, 2018

 This session is great for emergency physicians and coders new to ED coding or are looking for a basic ED coding refresher - a perfect companion to get up-to-speed before the Advanced Procedure Coding for Emergency Medicine conference on Thursday.

Schedule subject to change. Check back closer to event for final schedule.
For Course Descriptions, Click Here.

Wednesday – January 24

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

Basic E/M Coding for Physician Services in the ED
Todd Thomas, CCS-P

2:15 pm - 2:30 pm


2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Basic Case Study Presentation: Look at This Case Through My Eyes - Perspectives of Doctor, Coder and Auditor
David A. McKenzie, CAE (Moderator); Caral Edelberg, CPC, CHC, CPMA, CAC, CCS-P; Rebecca B. Parker, MD, FACEP; Todd Thomas, CCS-P

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