"I got answers to questions I didn’t even know I had, and I found it was very helpful to work off the expertise that other people have. Other people have dealt with a lot of situations I have had to deal with…how they improved it, how they solved it…it’s very nice to work off other people’s mistakes and be able to not remake them myself."
Hamilton Lempert, MD, FACEP
Cincinnati, Ohio
"I find the information about updates on the changes in the federal program to be very helpful. It’s a good refresher every year to hear what’s going on…on the compliance front, and the question and answer sessions, I find, are really helpful because the questions that come up are not necessarily the questions I would have thought of otherwise, but they still provide useful information."
Richard F. Heath, MD, FACEP
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"I came here trying to learn more about the ins and out of billing and coding and how I can really take that and make it applicable on the clinical level, for both myself as well as the practice I work for - all the doctors, PAs and NPs. (The sessions) have been very informative. There’s a lot of information."
Aaron Adler, PA-C
Rockville, Maryland