ACEP and DynaMed Plus/PEMSoft – EBSCO Health Achievement Award
Congratulations to Dr. Alfred Sacchetti, MD, FACEP, the 2017 recipient of the ACEP and DynaMed Plus/PEMSoft – EBSCO Health Achievement Award.
Dr. Sacchetti is the Chief of Emergency Services at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in Camden, NJ, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. A full time clinician, he is also a dedicated researcher and enthusiastic educator with over 100 journal publications and text book chapters to his credit and more than 450 national and international lectures.
His main research focuses include Sedation and Pain Management, Family Member Presence, and Children with Special Health Care Needs. He was the lead author on the award winning Annals of Emergency Medicine white paper “Pediatric Analgesia and Sedation,” one of the 100 most cited publications in Emergency Medicine. He was the principle investigator for the Procedural Sedation in the Community Emergency Department (ProSCED) registry, which documented the safety of medications such as propofol, droperidol and remifentanil in children when administered outside of the operating room setting. In a related area, Dr. Sacchetti was one of the original investigators to advocate for the practice of allowing family members to remain at the bedside with children during invasive procedures and resuscitations. He was the lead developer of the Emergency Information Form (EIF) for children with special heath care needs, which facilitates the rapid stabilization of children with chronic or unique medical conditions regardless of their location.
Despite his academic and administrative activities, Dr. Sacchetti’s main passion remains in patient care. He continues to work full time in the Emergency Department including weekends and overnight shifts, treating over 4,000 patients annually.