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Nathaniel Mann

Nathaniel Mann


Associate Editor, Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine — Dr. Mann has been editing for Critical Decisions since 2015. After earning his medical degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012, he completed his residency training at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, where he garnered several honors. He served as secretary of the EMRA Board of Directors from 2012 to 2014 and was editor-in-chief of the organization’s popular EM Resident magazine. He graduated from residency in 2016 and relocated to Boston, where he completed a wilderness medicine fellowship through the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. He is currently faculty at Prisma Health Upstate and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine in Greenville, where he is the director of wilderness medicine. An avid outdoorsman, he currently serves on local search and rescue and disaster response teams and volunteers in prehospital care with the United States Forest Service. He has been a SWAT physician and has practiced medicine on six continents.

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