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Arian Nachat

Arian Nachat


Dr. Arian Nachat is an emergency medicine and palliative care physician, educator and change maker. She is a regular speaker and contributor on emergency medicine, palliative care and pain management. Most recently, she founded Pallity which brings together resources to educate, empower and enable patients, caregivers, clinicians and systems with expert palliative care, regardless of diagnosis or prognosis. Dr. Nachat has been recognized for her innovation in inpatient supportive care during her time as the founder and director of Kaiser Permanente's first inpatient integrative service, as well as "Top Doctor" by her peers. Dr. Nachat currently practices emergency medicine and serves as clinical faculty at Balboa Navel Medical Center and the VA Medical Center in San Diego, California, as well as clinical faculty for the UCSD/Scripps Palliative care fellowship. Dr. Nachat is an out-spoken voice on patient safety, system re-design and equity in healthcare delivery.

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