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Vidor Friedman

Vidor Friedman


Dr Friedman Past-President of American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), has been a student, and teacher, of mindfulness for over a decade. He has presented at both the ACEP annual meeting, and BalanceED on numerous topics; including Meditation, Hypnosis, and Mindfulness. Elected President of ACEP in October of 2018.Elected to the Board of Directors of ACEP 2012 &2015. A past Chair of the Emergency Medicine Foundation & a Past-President of the Florida College of Emergency physicians (FCEP). Dr Friedman completed his residency in EM at Michigan State University, Lansing MI in 1989, where he served as Chief Resident.

ACEP’s EM Data Institute is powered by metrics from 1 in every 7 ED visits in the United States

  • 20 million ED visits per year
  • 1,000+ individual ED locations
  • 250+ emergency medicine practice groups

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