Is It Time? Unionization of EM Breakdown with Dr. Leon Adelman and Dr. Anna Yap by ACEP Frontline published on 2023-12-23T13:19:20Z We release this one a little early because Christmas is on our typical release day, so enjoy the last release of 2023!!! We thank all of you for the support and interest. This year, we wrapped with over 600k downloads of The Frontline. In this episode, we dig into one of the hottest topics of 2023 with physician desires to regain control in the complex world of medicine. We talk about the consideration of unionization. We talk with Dr. Anna Yap about her efforts(with others) to unionize the residency programs at her institution and then dive in with Dr. Leon Adelman about the business of unions...who can fo it, who cannot, and some of the risk/benefit considerations. This is a long one for us, just over an hour, but one that we could have gone much longer with this important topic. Genre Emergency Medicine