Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Quality Payment Program
If you submitted 2017 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) data through the Quality Payment Program website, you can now view your performance feedback and MIPS final score.
You can access your performance feedback and final score by:
- Going to the Quality Payment Program website.
- Logging in using your Enterprise Identity Management (EIDM) credentials. These are the same EIDM credentials that allowed you to submit your MIPS data. If you don’t have an EIDM account, refer to this guide and start the process now.
In the coming weeks, we’ll provide additional guidance to help walk through how to review your feedback and to assist in answering your questions.
Please note: The final performance year for the Value-Based Modifier and Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) programs was 2016. Therefore, CMS will no longer provide PQRS Feedback Reports or Quality and Resource Use Reports (QRURs). The final reports under these programs were provided in September 2017 and remain available for download through the end of this year.
MIPS Eligible Clinicians Participating in Medicare Shared Savings Program or Next Generation ACOs
If you participated in a MIPS Alternative Payment Model (APM) in 2017, specifically in a Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program) or Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO), your performance feedback is now available to your ACO (APM Entity) via the Quality Payment Program website. Participant TINs in Shared Savings Program will be able to log into the Quality Payment Program website directly to access final performance feedback. Participants in Next Generation ACOs will need to request feedback from a representative (such as a security official) within their APM Entity.
Please note: Because all clinicians in the Next Generation ACO Model were Qualifying APM participants, performance feedback for the 2017 performance year will not be provided.
Under the MIPS APM Scoring Standard, the performance feedback, accessible to the APM Entity, will be based on the APM Entity score and is applicable to all MIPS eligible clinicians within the APM Entity group. This feedback and score do not have any impact on the Shared Savings Program or Next Generation ACOs’ quality assessment.
Questions? If you have questions about your performance feedback or MIPS final score, please contact the Quality Payment Program by:
Phone: 1-866-288-8292/TTY: 1-877-715-6222 or
Associate Executive Director, Quality