Message from the Chair-elect
FEC Section Members,
With ACEP 2021 fast approaching and all the distractions we have had managing COVID, I wanted to reach out to you all. Our organization began in 2014 with 120 members and continued to grow over the years up to 250 active members in 2016. Since then, membership has slowly trickled down. The past two years has been challenging for everyone in EM, and we have mostly been focused on how to make it through our next shift. I am hopeful that with increasing vaccination rates and other positive factors we are heading into a brighter future. With that in mind, I wanted to refocus on our FEC Section and make certain that we move forward with the momentum we currently have. Our organization has provided support and education to all of us that work in the FSED community, and I believe it is an amazing resource. Our numbers have fallen to close to where we began, and it is going to take all of us to keep the group intact and moving forward. If we fall below 100 members, our Section will be placed on probation and could be disbanded if we don’t get our membership numbers back up. Please do not let this happen.
Things that you personally can do is become more active in the organization, come to our meeting at ACEP, contribute an article to the newsletter, and reach out to your colleges that work in FECs and get them involved. We have especially low participation from those who work at Hospital based FECs (HOPDs). If you know someone who works there, please reach out to them and ask if they can get involved.
This is a great organization and has personally supported me over the years. I have made some amazing professional friends here! Please do your part to support us. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at ACEP21. If you or any potential new members have any questions, please reach out to me.
Stay healthy and safe,