Letter from the Chair
Jay Woody, MD, FACEP
As some of you may have already heard, David McKenzie retired after serving ACEP for 29 years. He has been a staple at ACEP’s educational conferences and a guru regarding emergency medicine reimbursement and coding. He has assisted me with this on several occasions while sorting out the new coding guidelines.
He has many accolades such as being honored with the Specialty Society Staff Excellence Award more than once along with winning the Excellence in Education Award as well. He is also being awarded Honorary Membership in the College in recognition of his service.
The place where I have gotten to know David the best is through his support and guidance of the Freestanding Emergency Center Section. He helped us get the section up and running many years ago and has aided in keeping us relevant. I am appreciative of everything he has done for the section as well as for ACEP, and I am honored to have worked by his side and for his mentorship.
Thank you, David, and best wishes on your retirement. You will be missed.
Our new Section Staff Liaison will be Jessica Adams, who has worked will David in the Reimbursement/Practice Affairs Department area and will be his successor. Jess brings a strong skill set with both payment policy expertise and strong management skills. Welcome, Jess!
Jay Woody, MD, FACEP