Message from the Chair
Jay Woody, MD, FACEP
Dear Members and Colleagues,
A newsletter has been long overdue and apologize as we have many changes in the organization over the past year. Our organization began in 2014 with 120 members and continued to grow over the years up to a peak of 250 active members in 2016. Since then, membership has slowly retracted as FSERs became more common and more mainstream, which is a win for all of us in this still somewhat niche EM role. Currently we are hovering around 110 members, and I want to refocus on our FEC Section and make certain that we continue to move forward. Our organization has provided support and most importantly connections and collaboration in this still somewhat small sector of EM this is becoming more and more commonplace. We are a victim of our own success which is both exciting and frustrating.
Things that you personally can do is be more active in the organization, come to our meeting at ACEP, contribute an article to the newsletter, and reach out to your colleges that work in FECs and get them involved. We have especially low participation from those who work at Hospital based FECs (HOPDs) which currently is the largest group that we represent. If you know someone who works there, please reach out to them, and ask if they can get involved.
Our next FEC meeting during ACEP23 is scheduled for Monday, October 9 from 7:00 to 8:00 am Eastern time. Please save that date and time. We have secured a time early on Monday for those that come to Council but don’t typically stay for the full educational program. More details to follow so watch for any updates in future FEC Section newsletters.
This is an important organization and has personally supported me over the years. Please do your part to support us. Participation is our weakest link at this time from all of those involved in the organization, so please do your part. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at ACEP23 so mark your calendar. If you or any potential new members have any questions, please reach out to me.