The Emergency Medicine Physician Workforce

Workforce Forum

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The Emergency Medicine Physician Workforce: Projections for 2030 research reflects that we are facing – for the first time in history – a likely oversupply of emergency physicians in the next decade. 

An April 9 webinar, which can be found at, began conversations about possible actions and solutions to mitigate the anticipated oversupply in the next decade. To continue the conversation, ACEP invites you participate in an online forum on this topic.

ACEP’s system requires an account to access our resources. Below is a link to login or create an account with ACEP.

If you have a web account with ACEP, simply login using the link below. You should see a page with instructions on accessing ACEP’s EM Physician Workforce of the Future Hub.

If you do not have a web account with ACEP, you will need to select ‘Create an Account’ to setup one. Once completed, you should see a page with instructions on accessing ACEP’s EM Physician Workforce of the Future Hub.

If at any time the home page appears, simply log out and click the link below.

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