Let’s Talk Community
We are excited to announce the launch of the 'Let's Talk' community on EngagED!
This is a newly formed EngagED community that specifically aims to create a safe space where members can discuss ongoing challenges within their roles, EDs, and life in general. The idea behind this community is to provide everyone a voice and a platform where they can reach out to fellow colleagues for advice and encouragement pertaining to the internal and external factors that balance with our wellness.
Dr. Michael Levine originally brought up the concept for ACEP to create a space where members can talk with their colleagues as an outlet and opportunity to collaborate. This new community is a huge win for ACEP and we want to thank Dr. Levine for putting forward the idea. We are always excited when we can take an idea and put it into action.
The 'Let's Talk' community functions as an opt-in community and nobody is obligated to join. If you are interested in joining, you can sign up here.
We hope you enjoy this new community as we continue working to address and improve the wellness of all our members. So, Let's Talk!