From the Chair
Chair, Emergency Ultrasound Section
In my incoming chair address, I talked about feeling a strong case of imposter syndrome as I took over the position. I have always been amazed at the diversity, talent, and dedication of our Section members. In the current Newsletter, we have featured luminary contributions from our Fellow Education Subcommittee, Coding and Reimbursement Subcommittee, Medical Student Education Subcommittee, Prehospital, Austere and Tactical Ultrasound Subcommittee, Critical Care Subcommittee, as well as our SIM Subcommittee and Pediatric Subcommittee. Each article tackles a different topic salient to the emergency ultrasound practice, and insights from experts who took a deep dive into their passion topic.
One of the Section’s core missions is being responsive to our members’ concerns and needs. A few months ago, there was a posting on our Section EngagED forum on “lipliner sign” that generated quite a bit of discussion. Drs. Rob Ferre and Lori Stolz from the IRT Subcommittee then went to work and met with 4 major ED POCUS machine vendors. The result is an extremely thoughtful and succinct article explaining what causes this artifact and how to mitigate it on different machines. I will definitely save this as a valuable POCUS teaching pearl for my residents and fellows.
Lastly, we are also highlighting one of the chapters from our crowd favorite Sonoguide website for your enjoyment—a great example of quality ultrasound education sponsored by the ACEP.
I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2025 and many more happy scannings.