From Your Editor
As a reminder, encourage your dually-trained colleagues (EM/Peds, EM/FM and EM/IM) to join this section.
The more involved members we have, the more our voice is heard within ACEP.
Residents can join one section for free and additional sections for a reduced rate and joining is easy! Go to https://www.acep.org/sections/ and sign up today!
How to Contribute to the Newsletter
Dually Noted is published online twice per year. We are interested in suggestions and contributions from our readers and section members. Do you have an idea for an upcoming newsletter? Whether it is a news item, a question you would like answered, an anecdote or experience you would like to share, send me an email and we will get it published. Thanks to all who contributed to this edition!
Andrew Deitchman, MD
Dual Training Section Newsletter Editor