Resources Available from the Democratic Group Practice Section
ACEP’s Democratic Group Practice Section continues to work on developing new resources to help democratic group leaders strengthen and grow their practices. Within the past several months, we’ve utilized ACEP’s new communication platform (EngagED) to develop and promote discussion threads specifically for section members to ask one another questions and seek assistance with issues they’re facing in their democratic group practice. You can take advantage of the opportunity to tap into the experience of others at any time, simply by e-mailing a question to acep_democraticgrouppracticesection@ConnectedCommunity.org.
In addition, the Democratic Group Practice Section website provides access to other resources for section members, including information on what you should know before signing on with a group and a slideshow that educates residents on the diversity of practice and assists them in interviewing and making employment decisions. The web site also has a link to the new ACEP information paper on Emergency Department Physician Group Staffing Contract Transitions. That paper can be accessed directly by clicking here.
We’re planning to develop new resources in the coming year and would be very interested in any ideas you might have about tools we could provide that would be beneficial to you and other democratic groups. If you have any suggestions, please forward them to Craig Price, ACEP staff liaison for the Democratic Group Practice Section.