2022-24 Section Officers Election – Call for Candidates
2022-24 Section Officers Election – Call for Candidates
Our section election will be held virtually following the rules and timeline below. Winners will be announced at ACEP22 in San Francisco.
The officers of the section include the chair, the chair-elect, the immediate past-chair, secretary, councillor, and an alternate councillor. The officers must be members of the section and agree to serve for a term of two years. Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The following duties are assigned to each of the officers of the section.
- Serves as an officer of the section.
- Assists the chair in his/her duties for the section as designated by the chair.
- Serves as chair in the absence of, resignation, or death of the chair.
- Assumes the role of chair at the completion of two years.
- Informs the section of all Council activities at section meetings when appropriate.
- Prepares an annual report of Council activities for the section newsletter.
- Attends and represents the section at the Council at own expense.
- Presents resolutions prepared by the section to the Council
- Maintains privileges and duties designated by the Bylaws of the College and granted by the Council.
- Attends meetings of the Council Steering Committee at own expense when appropriate and receives minutes of the meeting.
- Reports to the chair any pertinent action of the Council or the Council Steering Committee.
Alternate Councillor
- Represents the section at Council meetings if the councillor is unable to attend.
- Shall be appointed by the chair with approval, by majority vote, of the executive committee. Term of office: two years.
- Takes minutes of the meetings of the section and submit to the appropriate section communication vehicle
- Assists the chair in the preparation of agendas for the meetings and the chair of other committees of the section, as requested
- Assists the chair in the preparation of the annual activities report
- Shall provide the Board of Directors the names of the elected section officers
- Shall distribute to the membership via the section newsletter or other communication vehicle
- the minutes of the annual meeting of the section.
- such information as shall from time to time be of interest to members of the section.
- Shall notify members regarding their appointment to any committees of the section and shall send copies of such notification to the executive director of the college.
- Shall give due notice of all meetings of the section and section executive committee to the membership of the section and the Board of Directors of the College.
- Shall serve as editor of the section newsletter.
- Shall carry out such other duties as are assigned by the chair of the section and the Board of Directors of the College.
Election Timeline
Action Item | 2022 |
Section Meeting Date | 10/2/2022 |
Officer Voting Closes | 9/17/2022 |
Reminder to Vote | 9/14/2022 |
Ballots Sent | 9/7/2022 |
Notice #2 about upcoming ballot | 8/31/2022 |
Notice #1 about upcoming ballot | 8/24/2022 |
Nominations Deadline | 8/17/2022 |
Call for Nominations Reminder | 8/3/2022 |
Call for Nominations | 7/4/2022 |
Revised Section Guidelines
The section guidelines have been updated to reflect changes that have occurred since their last revision in 2009. Section 14 Voting Guidelines now allows for electronic voting prior to the meeting at Scientific Assembly.
Here is a copy of the revised guidelines.