February 6, 2020
Columbia University Anesthesiology-Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Our Vision:
To be the vanguards of critical care medicine
Our Mission:
To provide high-quality and compassionate patient-centered care, advance knowledge frontiers, and train future leaders in critical care medicine
Our Values:
- Collaboration/Teamwork
- Respect
- Transparency
- Service
- Excellence
An Amazing Experience
- Columbia University offers a two-year fellowship to EPs. American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) certified physicians attain subspecialty certification in anesthesiology critical care medicine by meeting the eligibility criteria, fulfilling specific credential requirements, and passing the Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Certification Examination. The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) develops and administers the subspecialty certification examination in anesthesiology critical care medicine, while ABEM is responsible for credentialing its candidates and notifying them of their examination results.
- Our critical care experience in our “home” units consists of managing patients in our SICU (16 beds) and CTICU (31 beds) and spending elective time in our medical and neurological ICUs. We take care of patients after heart, lung, liver, and pancreas transplants. We also manage a significant number of patients on ECMO or with a VAD. We collaborate with our multidisciplinary team to manage complex disease processes such as sepsis and ARDS.
- We believe our teaching should be interactive, intensive, innovative, and inspiring. We call this our 4I principal. We have limited the number of PowerPoint slides used in educational sessions. We listen to specific podcasts and or YouTube videos before entering the “classroom.” We practice “just in time teaching” for bedside ultrasonography. We simulate events to teach the principles of crisis resource management. We believe in the adult learner, who guides us as educators.
- Our CCM fellowship track program allows each fellow to choose a path in either education, research, or quality/clinical leadership. These tracks are mentored by a faculty member throughout the academic year. The tracks are designed to promote achievement of specific milestones to prepare our fellows to launch an academic career.
- Our experience is enhanced by living in one of the greatest cities in the world, New York City.
Clinical Curriculum (Year 1)
- 12 weeks SICU
- 14 weeks CTICU – HHICU
- 13 weeks of electives (MICU, neuro ICU, radiology, ultrasound, nutrition, airway management, nephrology, infectious disease, palliative care and more)
- 5 weeks of skills (minimal triage, ultrasound education, time for track work and nonclinical time)
- 3 weeks of quality improvement (assigned team project)
- 4 weeks of vacation
- 1 week of meeting time
- As the year progresses, the ICU fellow takes on an increased responsibility for the conduct of rounds, decision-making, and teaching, while the ICU attending remains available for support as appropriate.
Clinical Curriculum (Year 2)
- The year is funded by approximately one shift per week in the emergency department.
- There will be a significantly reduced call burden during this year.
- The curriculum will be modified to match the trainee’s career goals.
Didactic Curriculum
Protected time
- VAD Rounds (daily)
- ICU Teaching Rounds (daily)
- Journal Club (weekly)
- Ultrasound education (weekly)
- Critical Care Fellowship Lecture Series (weekly)
- Critical Care Grand Rounds (weekly)
- Anesthesia Grand Rounds (weekly)
- Wellness (monthly)
- Open chest simulations (monthly)
- Fellowship retreat (annual)
We are proud to train a cadre of leaders around the country. Come join us for the ride of a lifetime!
Program Leadership
Vivek K. Moitra, MD, MHA, FCCM
Allen I. Hyman Professor of Critical Care Anesthesiology
Chief, Division of Critical Care Medicine
Program Director, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Lisa A. Hasenbalg
Program Coordinator, Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine
Program Coordinator, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship