September 23, 2019
Objectives Status Report
All committee objectives and major tasks/actions were completed except for go-live of CEDR User community. I would like to acknowledge and thank Dr’s Dalsey, O’Connor, and Shah and Mr. Kapoor for their active participation and contribution to this year’s sub-committee work.
Drive and expand engagement of participant and interested groups through:
Objective 1. Oversight of marketing plan
Status: Complete
Review completed, no further actions by sub-committee at this time.
Objective 2. Communication/outreach strategies including launch of participant user community via EngagED, website, and newsletter.
Status: Complete
- Ground work and preparation for EngagED user community, including parameters and prospective members, were worked out in a series of meetings with sub-team of Dr. Shah and Lum and ACEP senior staff earlier in the year through May 2019, but launch/go live date has been delayed until after ACEP19 due to high priority given to objective 3. Once launched, the initial community members will comprise the physician point-of-contacts for the participant groups.
- Website modification and update completed by ACEP CEDR staff with sub-committee review.
- Newsletter production consisted of 3 published newsletters in November, 2018 and May 2019 and October, 2019.
Objective 3. Enhancement of customer experience through ongoing annual participant experience survey and participant experience improvement plan.
Status: Complete.
- 2018 survey questions were extensively reviewed and several new questions were added as well as recommendation question answer scale was expanded to create net promoter score measure. Survey was distributed to all participant groups in May, 2019 with an above average response rate by the extended deadline in July 2019. After survey respondent ratings and comments were collated by ACEP staff, the results and interpretation were reviewed by sub-committee team of Dr’s Dalsey, Lum and O’Connor in August prior to submission of ACEP board report of survey results. Overall, there is a continuing definite positive trend In processes- including onboarding, contracting, implementation and customer support-and recommendation for CEDR product. Survey results presentation will be given at ACEP19 CEDR Committee meeting
- The improvement plan has been generated according to review of survey results/interpretation by sub-committee team and more granular review by implementation and sales/marketing CEDR staff groups late summer, 2019. Plan will be presented at ACEP19 CEDR Committee meeting.

Donald L. Lum, MD FACEP
Chair, ACEP CEDR Committee