Message from the Board Liaison
As another year passes for the section, I would like to convey sincere appreciation and admiration to your section liaison, Pat Elmes, and your section officers - especially Drs. Haisler and Stuhlmiller for their service and leadership. With the upcoming section officer nomination and elections, Dr. Stuhlmiller, after several years dedicated to leading this section, will leave the Immediate Past Chair position as Dr. Haisler completes her term as Section Chair. Both have been invaluable to the section and the Board of Directors. Because of their passion and expertise, I know that they will continue to advocate for you, this section, the College, and the air medical transport industry.
As you may note by the contents of this newsletter, the air medical transport industry, like many other parts of healthcare, is being scrutinized by patient advocacy organizations, the media, regulators, and legislators. When much younger, I used to question clichés, but, over the years, I have come to realize how pertinent and accurate they can be. One of those adages was, "if you are not at the table, you may be on the menu". Your knowledge and availability to advocate for your colleagues and patients are becoming increasingly important - whether at your institution as well as on the community, state, or national level. With respect to the priorities and support the College can provide - it starts with your membership, active involvement, and willingness to serve the section - just as Drs. Haisler and Stuhlmiller have done and Drs. McGinnis and Weis are doing.