Clinical Emergency Data Registry (CEDR)

  • Clinical Emergency Data Registry

    First Emergency Medicine (EM) specialty-wide registry developed by ACEP

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What is CEDR?

CEDR (Clinical Emergency Data Registry) is the first Emergency Medicine (EM) specialty-wide registry developed by ACEP.

CEDR has the capability and functionality to do the following:

  • Measure EM outcomes
  • Identify practice patterns and trends
  • Improve the quality of acute care
  • Meet and exceed QPP/MIPs quality reporting requirements
  • Eliminate penalty and/or increase payer revenue

In addition, the CEDR registry ensures that emergency physicians, rather than other parties, are identifying practices that work best for them.


Offers 25 EM specific measures and 22 QPP measures that span across 5 domains of care


Efficiency and
cost reduction


population health


clinical care


Patient experience
of care




Enhancement to Traditional Claims-Based Reporting


Physician Friendly System

The CEDR registry is designed to be physician-friendly. With little data entry burden to emergency clinicians or ED staff, clinical and patient data will be extracted, transformed and loaded into CEDR from the ED’s electronic health record system, practice management system, or administrative data system.


Approved by CMS

ACEP has been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for CEDR to serve as a “qualified clinical data registry” or QCDR, to help emergency physicians and clinicians meet CMS’ Quality Payment Program (QPP) / Merit-Based Incentive Payment Program System and regional and national certification requirements.


Comparative Quality Benchmarking

CEDR will provide participating emergency clinicians with feedback regarding their individual- and/or ED-level performance on a range of process and outcome quality measures, benchmarked against their peers in the registry and CMS-reported performances.


Policy Impacts

For government policy-makers, the CEDR registry will provide further understanding around clinical effectiveness, patient safety, care coordination, patient experience, efficiency and system effectiveness


Enhancement to Traditional Claims-Based Reporting

CEDR recognizes the value of time for an emergency physician. Let CEDR simplify your Quality experience by providing the right tools to your care providers in a timely fashion

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