Digital Health Transformation

Save lives and improve outcomes with tech.


Better Systems Save Lives

Better systems save lives.

Digital health transformation will help you deliver personalized care at scale, give the right people the right data and pull clinicians back from burnout. When you’re ready to make your technology work for you, we’re right here.


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What is digital health transformation?

Digital health transformation is the shift towards an ecosystem of tools like patient portals, telehealth, predictive analytics and medical AI. Patients are at the center, but the ripple effects make interacting with the care system better for everyone. Transforming your digital systems means better use of EHRs, fully digital imaging, and automated data capturing—and that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

Many medical centers already use digital tools, but connecting them is another challenge. That's interoperability, and it's another core part of digital health transformation. Patient and provider adoption is just as important, because digital tools only make a difference if people use them. Creating tomorrow's care means fixing many interconnected health systems, and we're here for the whole journey.

We’re the go-to transformation partner for health facilities worldwide. 65,000+ centers in over 50 countries


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Change happens faster with a framework

Here’s how to lead effective digital health transformation

Get a temperature check on your tech

Digital health has four key dimensions: Governance and Workforce, Predictive Analytics, Interoperability, and Person- Enabled Health.

Start by learning your top-level scores across each of these dimensions, before drilling down into specific technology projects.

Take the Digital Health Indicator

Assess your digital maturity in-depth

Next, use a maturity framework to measure your performance across key areas like EMR usage, infrastructure, and analytics.

Using an industry benchmark arms you with buy-in, a roadmap for transformation, and expert-led validation.

Explore our maturity models

Tap in with one of our partners

Want expert consulting support? Our partner network is global, and we’ve trained many external organizations on implementing our maturity models.

The Digital Health Partner Program (DHTP) makes it easy to find approved partners that can help power your system’s transformation.

Learn about our partner program

Take it from the community, though:

“HIMSS helped us understand where we’re at—and where we needed to go.”
Gabriel Garcia-Lopez
Director, Los Angeles LGBT Center

Diagnose your digital health

Transform digital systems and health itself

Here's how we're helping care centers save time and lives:

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