July 22, 2024

Chair's Corner

Editor’s Note:

Our theme for 2024 is "Kindling the Flame". We’re hoping to give readers a sense of what gives them meaning and purpose in their work and personal life. Dr. Alecia Gende, our AAWEP Chair, starts us off with an overview of AAWEP’s Power Up 24, highlighting how she is ever excited to learn and grow with the wonderful women in our emergency medicine community. With Mother's Day having just passed and Father's Day around the corner, we also wanted to feature a sub-theme for this edition which is “on-parenting”. We invited members of our AAWEP community to share their reflections and experiences on many prompts relating to being a parent, or a child of parents. One prompt centered on sharing tips for improving one’s work-life integration or being present as a family member. We were thrilled to hear from one of our members, Dr. Jacqueline M. Dziedzic, on how she was able to create more harmony between her work and personal life outside of it. Another prompt encouraged authors to share their experiences with loss. Medical student Micaylen Wolf, MS-II shared a beautiful piece with us in which she describes her definition of grief in the face of losing of a parent. Along similar lines, Dr. Andrea Austin wrote of how she navigated one of her parent’s dying process as a physician herself, giving mention to the community of women who helped her out along the way.

As I read and prepared this edition’s submissions, I found myself repeatedly thinking about how grateful I am to be in this specialty, surrounded not only by fantastic coresidents and mentors in my own training program, but also by so many inspirational female physicians across the country though AAWEP. Reflecting on how I got here, I became immensely grateful for my parents and the opportunities they have impacted my journey as a physician. My dad is an immigrant who has built his own business over the last forty years, working from dawn to dusk in pursuit of a better life for his family. His incomparable work ethic left an impression upon me from an early age. My mom has largely been a stay-at-home mom throughout most of my life – filling the loving matriarchal role of a caregiver for my family and for anyone else that may have stepped through the front doors to our home. She was, and still is, the first to check in friends and family in times of need, often preparing them meals, offering a listening ear and devoting time to them in whatever fashion they need it most. It is her devout commitment to others and unending compassion that probably spurred me towards a career in medicine those years ago; and it’s those characteristics that I try to relay by my patient’s bedside day in and day out.

Today I urge you, as you read this edition of our AAWEP newsletter, to ponder who around you have given you meaning and made you into the person or physician you are today; and what you hope to teach to those around you – whether it be your peers, your parents, children or friends. We are all a sum of our lived experiences and the people who are a part of our lives.

Sierra Hajdu, MD
AAWEP Junior Resident Representative

Leaving the hustle and bustle of Baltimore, I rented a car and headed south to our nation’s capital. It was a sunny and eager morning, the morning of our AAWEP Power Up 24! The road was clear of traffic, but the scenery was full of trees so green and tall. It was an inspiring and fun drive as I anticipated coming together with all the wonderful women in EM to grow and learn and at LAC, and advocate.

Upon arrival in D.C., the AAWEP team worked together to swiftly set up our event as our speakers and attendees arrived. I was so proud of our team, our ACEP staff liaisons Jessica Vaughn and Mollie Pillman worked tirelessly to support our wonderful event! Often seen behind the scenes, Dr. Sneha Chinai was in the front of the pack, on camera and microphone. It is my duty and pleasure to see others in AAWEP step into the spotlight and leadership positions.

Power Up 24 was a success! We oversold our registration and hosted over fifty women Emergency Medicine physicians at our pre-conference to ACEP’s LAC! Our keynote was absolutely wonderful. Dr. Jordan Warchol came from University of Nebraska and brought her expertise in Public Health and Advocacy to our group from a women’s perspective and with a women’s fortitude. She inspired us to keep pushing, reminding us that advocacy and true change do not happen overnight. Dr. Warchol also gave us the wise advice to ask questions and attempt to learn the opposing perspective when communicating with those of differing opinions. Frequently, we will find we have common grounds where we can start our progress towards change.

We then enjoyed our three breakout sessions, which offered an intimate setting for group sharing and teaching. Our group leaders included Dr. Heidi Best, Dr. Lisa Maurer and Dr. Sydney De Angelis. Each session offered something unique. Dr. Best provided tips and opportunities to identify your leadership style and capitalize on your strengths. Dr. Maurer lead a discussion on how to negotiate your current environment to make a positive impact on you, your colleagues and your patients. Finally, we had Dr. De Angelis who provided guidance on discovering our values and prioritizing actions for career satisfaction. We had such empowering discussions throughout each of our small groups!

Finally, we concluded with a fabulous panel of ACEP leaders including our ACEP President, Dr. Aisha Terry, our ACEP president-elect Dr. Alison Haddock and ACEP Board Member Dr. Heidi Knowles. We talked about the future, being women in EM, standing up as women in EM and some of the hardships we have survived. We discussed the variety of pathways into leadership and how we can be leaders not just in the boardroom, but on shift and at the bedside.

I send out a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped present such valuable and impactful material, all who served on our working group to plan the event, and all you who attended our Power Up 24. It is such a privilege to serve you all. I look forward to our next adventure together, be it at our AAWEP Summer Series webinars June, July and August (the final Wednesday of each month from 1230-1330 CST), our next book club or ACEP 24 in Las Vegas…and especially at our AAWEP Women’s Retreat in Costa Rica, February 20-23, 2025. Shoot me an email any time with questions or concerns or any other ideas for AAWEP at alecia.gende@gmail.com.

Alecia Gende, DO, CAQSM
Chair, AAWEP

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