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Andrew Eyre

Andrew Eyre


Section Editor, The Literature Review

Section Editor, The Literature Review, Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine — Dr. Eyre has been on the Critical Decisions Editorial Board since 2016. He currently serves as the medical director for the STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, where he is also a practicing emergency physician. He has also served as the assistant program director for the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency (HAEMR). He attended medical school at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, where he developed interests in simulation and medical education. After completing his residency at the HAEMR based out of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Eyre completed a fellowship in medical simulation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He also earned a master of science in health professions education from the MGH Institute for Health. He is currently on ACEP’s Education Committee and has spoken at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), the Special Deliveries Obstetric Emergencies Course, and conferences for ACEP, the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, and Native American Emergency Care and Rural Medicine. From 2020 to 2023, Dr. Eyre served as the course director for the annual Department of State continuing medical and nursing education conferences. He has received the Bernard Lown Award for Education and Teaching and awards from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, including the Emergency Medicine Teaching Award and the Simulation Medical Educator of the Year Award. He also placed third for Technology and Innovation at IMSH. Dr. Eyre has also received awards from two other publications he edits, the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine’s “Gold Standard” Award and MedEdPORTAL’s Outstanding Peer Reviewer. In addition to medical simulation, Dr. Eyre’s academic interests include international medical education, curriculum design, and procedure education.

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